High Resolution Analysis


  • Detector: 120 mm diameter / Delay Line

                      Chevron MCP - OAR 50%
                      25 µm pore size
                      accuracy: spatial: 0.2 mm,
                      temporal: 500
ps (2005)
psec (2014)

  • rate of analysis: 107 atoms/h
  • flight length 130 mm,

    numerical aperture ± 3

  • Base Voltage 0 – 15 kV
  •   Voltage Pulsed
  • HV-Pulser100 kHz 0-4000 Volt, 

                        5ns FWHM (custom made)

  • Variable extraction electrode

  • Laser Pulsed
  • 350 fs IR GR UV –Laser: 500kHz 

   (max 2MHz)

  • Spot Size 40 um - <10 um

  • Storage chamber for 12 sample holder
  • Only APT Detector
  • He, Ne Imaging Gas
  • Temperature 30K to room temperature
  • Cryo Sample Transfer Port